Horse Clinics
Riding Clinics, Horshmanship Clinics, Vet Clinics, Ground Work Clinics, Trailering Clinics, Versatility Clinics and more!
Kris Kokal Clinic
Saturday, September 18
Work on what YOU want to work on with help from Kris!
Time: Morning Session 9 – 9:30 followed by 2 semi-private 1.5 hour time slots; Afternoon Session 1:30 – 2:00 followed by 2 semi-private 1.5 hour time slots
Cost: $150 per session (am or pm) and one 1.5 hour time slot; $25 Auditors
Bring a question or a problem to work on with Kris or work on one of the following possible semi-private session topics:
Trailering Confidence: Developing confidence with trailering situations including road safety.
Ground Work Mustang Style: Understanding the basic premise of why groundwork is a must do for your horse and the first place you should start. The horses trust more sincerely when treated with dignity and understanding.
Finishing your Horse in the Saddle: Learn to work with your individual non-punitive riding aids by developing softness and confidence under saddle for both horse and owner.
Information About Kris Kokal and HorseTendersLLC: Encouraging natural, wholesome horsemanship by providing a full complement of services. They are passionate about providing exceptional expertise to offer a unique level of consistency to meet every need any horse and owner may have. They provide constructive insights to both horse and owner on all aspects of the horse physically, emotionally, and mentally. Our “Wholesome Horse” approach eliminates the mixed signals and confusion resulting from too many differing and inconsistent methodologies coming in contact with both the horse and owner. Website: http://www.horsetenders.com
Contact: Good Pickin’ Farm Barn Manager Amy Hilbert for more information: 978-496-6999 or goodpickinbarn@gmail.com
Past Clinics:
Peter Whitmore’s Versatility Clinic’s goal was to increase communication and build a better relationship between horse and rider/handler. We used a variety of obstacles to push both horse and rider out of their comfort zone in order to help them build confidence together. This clinic can be done in hand, ridden, or a combination of both. Peter will be able to challenge all levels of horses and riders within the same session. This clinic is hands on with a lot of one-on-one attention and feedback.