Mindful Moments

  • Mindful Moments: Kids Series

    Wednesdays 4:30-5:30pm
    Ages 6-12

    Mindful Moments allows space to quiet our bodies and begin the transition into rest for the evening. It is a great way to reset in the middle of the week. Use of yoga, arts, movement, animal cuddles and coping strategies of grounding and mindfulness will be presented and practiced.

  • Mindful Moments: Adult Series

    Wednesdays 5:45-7pm

    Mindful Moments is a way to find balance after the start of your week and set intentions to end your week you way. The series provides you with an experience of (re)connection and (re)storation, grounding 50 minutes of various modalities of movement, yoga, arts and mindfulness, ending with setting your intention(s) to re-enter into a different space.